Saturday, June 15, 2013

My trip to Washington DC was amazing.  One of my favorite siteswas  the Tomb on the Unknown Soldier.  There was a funeral that day and while the guards were changing we heard a bugle playing Taps and a 21 gun salute.  The casket was drawn by a pair or beautiful horses.  This left an imprint on several of our students.  I enjoyed seeing the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence.  We were surprised by JF Kennedy's grade on his report card for History.  I saw a quilt at the Ford Theater that was signed by Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, and the poet Longfellow.  Our Guide was very informative and I learned so much from her.  The Library of Congress and the National Cathedral were  breathtaking.  We saw so much and learned so much.  This was a great trip. We are tired but loved it.  Thank you Mrs. Siebert for this great experience.  Your hard work made it all possible.

Mrs Karen Alpher
8th grade Math Teacher

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