Saturday, June 15, 2013

Reflections from Hailey Alpher -
well, this week we took a trip to D.C...As you all know. I think the most fun part was getting to know every 8th grader on my bus. I am going to be a junior in high school, and I still made great friends with most of the 8th class. I also really enjoyed the Holocaust museum, My Oma (grandma) was alive during that time and lived in the Netherlands. There was a class wall with the names of the cities that got invaded and my Omas town was on that list. She was about 5 when Germany took over, She tells me stories about how she couldn't go outside after 6 o'clock or she would be killed. It was just cool to see everything, and in one year I get to see the one in the Netherlands and I can't wait. Also one thing I really liked were the bus rides there and back. They were 13 hours give or take, the bus rides let everyone get to know each other and become friends right before high school. Well if there was one tip I would give anyone is that they should bring lots of water and wear really nice comfortable shoes!!!!!!!!!!

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